Tuesday 29 April 2014

Evaluation Question 2

How does the media product represent a particular social group.

My magazine is aimed at 16 to 24 year olds. Much like Q which is what my music magazine has been based on. Also like Q and many other music magazines my target audience are mainly male with 70% of would be readers being male. My magazine is a cheap weekly magazine so students and less well off people can enjoy the weekly updates of the music industry 
The colour scheme is similar to some special editions of Q because it gives the magazines a premium feel. This could help it attract more people that are outside of the 16-24 males as it is supposed to attract everybody.
The tagline about "GLASTONBURY" represents the young people the magazine is aimed at because festivals are mostly attended by the the younger people. The G3's talking about a split is also geared towards younger because they are more likely to want the hot new news that they can tell their friends about. Another way this front cover represents my target social group is the QR code on it. This is because most young people are technophiles, so the chance to use their smartphones would be very appealing to them. The image is a stare with attitude which reflects the style of music the cover act is known for but the music is most popular with the age group it is representing, the rebellious laid back late teens early twenties. 
The contents represents the social group targeted by my music magazine because the images show people of the age group that the magazine is representing. The font used is also used to bring in interest from the social group as it is bold and not boringly simple. It uses the same colour scheme as the front cover. The social group this product is aimed at contains technophiles so the inclusion of the website at the bottom of the page represents them and the synergy we create to attract them.
The social group is represented in the article because the language used in it is casual but informative, it lets the casual reader get the information they want about their favourite bands with out having to read through lots of writing with complicated wording. The bite-size facts also help to do this. The page can be described as a bit minimalistic but it works well and the point of the article gets across and the style of the pages are the same for the front cover and contents page

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