Tuesday 29 April 2014

Evaluation Question 3

What Kind of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product and Why?

The media institution I would use to distribute my media product is Bauer. Bauer is the largest media institution in Europe and is multi-platform using magazines, TV, radio and mobile platforms.

The first reason for going with Bauer is Frontline. Frontline is a distribution company used by Bauer. It takes the paper copies of the magazine made by Bauer and distributes them around the country to wholesalers. This would mean that the distribution is already taken care of and I know it would make it through to the shops if approved by Bauer. Frontline was an Emap company before it Emap was taken over by Bauer and Frontline became its own company. 

The second reason I would choose Bauer to distribute my magazine is their size. It has a circulation of 38 million magazines a week. Their success in Europe could be used to help sell my music magazine mainly in Britain like Q. Bauer obviously knows how to make a magazine sell, even if Q's circulation is falling and the music magazine industry as a whole but Q still has the biggest music magazine circulation in Britain after The Fly stopped making the paper version of their magazine.  

Another reason to pick Bauer is because they are cross-platform media company. I believe my magazine would benefit from the recognition given to it by the radio and TV station as well as other magazines like the similar Q. It would also help attract the technophiles from the social group that my magazine targets by having a mobile version to access from your smartphone or tablet. Bauer own many radio station and my magazine could benefit from a radio station and they could advertise each other in a sort of symbiotic relationship. 

If their is any negatives to using Bauer it would be that my magazine might be a little to similar to another one of their music magazines. Their best seller Q. Bauer would be unlikely to take onboard a music magazine that could take away sales from Q. Unless it proved to be a better seller before they brought it. Another way would be if it brought in a different audience because they would mind a little shift in the reader ship because they would still get profit no matter which of them sells better because they would own them both. 

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