Tuesday 5 November 2013

Kerrang Contents Page Analysis

The colour scheme of the contents page, like all other magazines I have analysed is the same that you will find on the front cover. This is because of brand identity. The contents have two distinct sections. the sections are the top half and bottom half and not the usual left and right. The top section contains the title Content with the issue and date. It also contains the main image with corresponds with the main article, small white banner to tell you the artist. Inset is images of two articles to give a sample of what you could expect to find when when you go to read an article. The bottom section is split into  columns and has the title KERRANG THIS WEEK in the style of the logo for familiarity. The column to the far left is a message from the deputy editor to give the reader an insight into what goes on behind the scenes at KERRANG. In the other columns the other main contents are placed under appropriate titles for ease of use. In the bottom right corner there is an advertisement for subscriptions  to magazine and contrasts to the background to bring attention to it. This almost ensures that everybody who reads the issue sees the advert before skipping to the article they want to read.

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