Wednesday 6 November 2013

NME Article Analysis

The layout of this double page spread has three main sections. The left page is devoted almost entirely to an image of the band being talked about in the article. In the top left corner is the name of the feature "RADAR" and in the bottom left is some small, relatively useless facts. In the left side of the right page is the article in question withe the title "NME LOVES THE TEENAGERS" with the sub title of "Young, dumb and full of... filthy tunes". On the far right is a section unrelated to the main article, its a bite size round up of the weeks most talked about acts.
With the title starting "NME LOVES" its a more biased look at the band than might be the case normally. The pull quote is from one member of of the band explaining that they are stereotypical teenagers. 
At the end of the article there is a reminder about their website that they what you to visit as it is another platform they produce on.
The colour scheme on his page is blue and black, which differs from the colour scheme of the brand, they have a separate colour scheme from this feature so your get an attractive array colours when you flick through the pages.

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