Wednesday 6 November 2013

What i have learned from my research

From the research i conducted I have found a few things that most of the magazines have in common and this is what I found.

The masthead is the main source of brand identity, It gets a prominent position on that front cover and features on all the pages in the magazine. 

Colour scheme is a big part of brand identity, it is the colour on the front cover and usually on the contents page however does not affect the aesthetics on the pages inside of the magazine. They are usually different colours to the colours associated with the brand.

All front covers utilise a grid method for sell lines on the front cover. There are usually about five sell lines on a front cover.

The main feature to a front cover is the main image. Emphasis is put on it and everything else is placed on the outside so as not to interfere with the image. The image has to be interesting to grab the attention of passers by.

The contents page should contain images and the brand colour scheme. They are broke up into sections. The advertisement for subscription usually on it. There is usually a small sample article so the reader knows what he's in for. The contents page can be one or two pages.

The style of the articles are simple. You want it to look good but you don't want to take to much attention away from the article its self. The article sometimes isn't very long, but the pages are padded out with images. The website usually features somewhere on the page 

At the bottom of the pages should at least be the page number but the masthead sometimes feature and the website.

The image colour for an article should reflect something about the artist. e.g. the red and blue for Jay Z symbolises two sides to his personality and the black and white images for My Chemical Romance reflects the dark nature of their songs.

Quotes are important in an article. They show what the band is like when talking to the journalist for the magazine. Pull quotes are important as they give an insight to what the article will contain. They are usually the most important thing the artist says in the article.  

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