Wednesday 6 November 2013

Q article analysis

The double page spread of the article is laid out with an image of the rapper Jay Z which the article is about. It also contains a pull quote from the article on the right. On the right we have the main article with the title THE MOST EXCITING PEOPLE IN MUSIC JAY Z in red. There are three main visible parts to the article, with the second and third starting with the bold letter H and T. 
The image on the left is a medium close up of the artist with red on the left and a cooler blue colour on the right. The red suggests danger, he is a rapper and so his style of music is associated with rebels and violence. The blue on the right could be suggesting that the article reveals a lighter side to his personality. There is is pull quote in bold red on the blue side to draw attention to it, it reads "EVERYONE TRYING TO DO SOMETHING NEW IS GOING TO COME UP AGAIST A NOEL GALLAGHER FIGURE IN THEIR LIFE". This is a notable quote from their interview, it could be showing Jay Z's respect for Noel Gallagher and his music. 
On the right side we find the article its self, it features a big red J. This is because it is the first letter of the artist name. The big letter is brand unique to Q who do it often. At the vary the of the page there is a title in between some lines to pronounce it. At the vary bottom of the page is the logo/masthead with the page number next to the so people can get to the article straight from the contents page. Next to that is the month the issue came out and on the other side of the page is the website to encourage people to use the other platforms Q produce for.
The content is aimed towards Jay Z fans as it focuses on quotes from their interview with him and does not shy away from using profanity so is not intended to the read by younger readers. The language used is not at all times proper english as it tries to tailor the article for his usual listeners.
The main colour scheme is black and red, which are the colours you would identify with the brand. however there is added blue in the image for the two sides to a person cliche.    

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