Tuesday 5 November 2013

Q Contents Page Analysis

The contents page keeps the same colour scheme as the front cover because it fits in with the identity of the brand. The contents cover two pages and is image heavy. Images are used to display some contents as a visual stimulisation to check that artical out. There are four main sections (two each page) with a red bar at the top for the title and issue number. The first section is called features, it contains all main features of the issue, the most important eye catching articles. At the bottom of the section we see what one of the article would look like along with the page number. This show the reader the style in which the articles are produced. The second section is just a picture representing the main article. In this one we have a long shot of John Lennon. The third section is on the second page. It contains two pictures of artists. Two pictures of articles all with page numbers, there is no name to these pages but if you recognise the artist then you will be convinced go to that article. Underneath the images there is a large pull quote from a review they have on the stated page with an image to go along with it. The fourth section is on the far right. At the top we find images of the different covers for the issue ( this issue was a special issue with four covers so this could be suggesting readers "collect them all" which would increase their sales for the issue ) underneath we have the regular. These are the features that are in all off the issues, tis allows people to quickly find their favourite features. In this contents page it does not advertise subscriptions but instead gives you a page number. This is good for Q because it does not waste space on the content pages so they can get the aesthetics to comply fully to their ideals. 

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