Sunday 24 November 2013

Q audience research

Q magazine is similar to the magazine I am planning on doing. It does not focus on one genre but instead gives an overview of the entire music industry. Qs audience is young and comprises mostly of male readers. The age of Q readers are:
15-24 = 35.5%
25-34 = 26.3%
35-44 = 19.8%
45-54 = 13.9%
55-64 = 3.1%
64+    = 1.4%
The target I want for my magazine is about 20-30 years old, looking at Qs readers ages I can see that Q has a similar target audience.
Qs main audience is 15-24 which has more than a third of their readership followed by 25-34 with just over a quarter of their readership. The amount of readers drops off dramatically after 55 with only 4.5% readers over that age.
My target audience that I'm looking at which is 20-30 fits in Qs 61.8% between 15 and 34 years old because Qs survey starts at 15.

I am looking to design my magazine to focus on a male target audience, the majority of Q readers are male which is also similar to mine. The gender percentages are:
male = 68.3%
female = 31.7%
I'm looking more towards a 75% male to 25% female readership depending on primary audience research results. Q defiantly appeals more to men just like the magazine I am planning on doing. My magazine would be good if it was heavily Q inspired looking at their audience.

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