Tuesday 5 November 2013

NME Contents Page Analysis

  The contents page of NME uses the same colour scheme in its contents page that it has on its front cover. This associates these colours (red, white, black and yellow) with there brand. The page is set into three columns with a black bar at the top for the title. The column to the left is an index of all the bands that are in this issue of NME, this allows a person to find and go to the page with there favorite band quickly as well as showing the the reader how many bands they managed to get into their magazine possibley as a sense of pride. The middle column contains a little artical for the reader to sample before fully jumping in to the rest of the magazine. Below that is an advert for a subscription which is put there to be noticed as it might be missed by anyone who just skips to what they want read instead of reading the entire magazine. The third column shows all the main features, it is a sample of what the magazine offers and the pages most likey to be read by NME usual demographic. The main artical is placed inside a large red arrow to stand out from the rest..The contents page contains three picture, two for the little artical, they show an performing on stage and that is what the artical talks about so you get more of a sense of what happened. The third picture is that of a previous front cover to go with the subscription advert   

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